Download: https://incidentalmusic.ca/track/the-journey-of-faith
In a small-town chapel, where the stained glass gleams
Sat a soul searching for purpose, lost in dreams
He was born to a melody, in the hymns of grace
A story of a life, led by an unseen embrace
This is the journey of faith, where love unfolds
A tapestry of grace, as the timeless story is told
Through valleys of trials and mountains of hope
In the hands of the Saviour, we learn to cope
He walked through the garden, where the lilies bloom
Carrying the burdens, like a cross in the gloom
In the pages of scripture, he found his song
A harmonious journey, where he belonged
This is the journey of faith, where love unfolds
A tapestry of grace, as the timeless story is told
Through valleys of trials and mountains of hope
In the hands of the Saviour, we learn to cope
In the darkest night, a flicker of light
Guiding the way, through the trials in sight
With faith as his compass, and mercy his guide
He walks with the Saviour, side by side
Through the chapters of life, with each passing page
Singing hymns of redemption, from age to age
In the echoes of forgiveness, he found his voice
A pilgrim’s soul, making a joyful noise
A pilgrim’s soul, making a joyful noise
This is the journey of faith, where love unfolds
A tapestry of grace, as the timeless story is told
Through valleys of trials and mountains of hope
In the hands of the Saviour, we learn to cope
In the hands of the Saviour, we learn to cope
As the story unfolds in the book of life
A pilgrim’s journey through joy and strife
In the arms of the Father, where he’ll abide
The story of a life forever sanctified.
Lyrics: Randy Lacey
Music: Sean O’Leary
Artwork: ‘Christian Before the Cross’
John Bunyan, “The Pilgrim’s Progress” (1909)
Psalm 119:54
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I am visually impaired (legally blind). Creator of varied spice blends and hot sauces. Writer of poetry, fiction and non-fiction. Lover of life. Man of faith.