Download: https://incidentalmusic.ca/track/plan-of-salvation
From the thorns in His brow, the blood flows
Below Him, they gambled for His clothes
If only they knew then what the world now knows
Would they have readily believed?
Three years He preached, taught, and appealed
Miracles abounded, people were healed
The zealots panicked, and they reeled
Sending one follower willing to deceive
How long they prayed for their Messiah in tears
Prophets silent for four-hundred years
Out from the desert, a man, a prophet appears
Speaking words none could conceive
Illegal trials He faced, count them, three in all
Tortured and beaten, placed before the thrall
Demanding by Pilate, their judgment call
As Christ’s followers grieved
How long they prayed for their Messiah in tears
Prophets silent for four-hundred years
Out from the desert, a man, a prophet appears
Speaking words none could conceive
It all started in the garden
God’s words forgotten, hearts harden
The plan of salvation already in action
For whoever chooses to believe
How long they prayed for their Messiah in tears
Prophets silent for four-hundred years
Out from the desert, a man, a prophet appears
Speaking words none could conceive
How long they prayed for their Messiah in tears
Prophets silent for four-hundred years
Out from the desert, a man, a prophet appears
Speaking words none could conceive
And so it goes, the story unfolds
Of redemption, grace, and love untold
In the plan of salvation, we find our hold
For those who choose to believe.
Lyrics: Randy Lacey
Music: Sean O’Leary
Romans 1:16, 10:10, 13:11
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I am visually impaired (legally blind). Creator of varied spice blends and hot sauces. Writer of poetry, fiction and non-fiction. Lover of life. Man of faith.