Download: https://incidentalmusic.ca/track/lamp-trimmed-and-burning-come-jesus-come
The Lord Himself descends from heaven
With a shout of command
The voice of the archangel
God’s trumpet blasting on demand
Caught up, snatched away
It’s harpazo in the Greek
We’ll be changed in an instant
Immortality complete
All the saints there gazing
At Him, brighter than the sun
Lamp trimmed and burning
Come, Jesus, come
In connection with this mystery
Nobody knows the day or hour
When the Groom returns
To claim His Bride in power
Eye hasn’t seen, ear hasn’t heard
No one has imagined what’s begun
In the twinkling of an eye
Our resurrection will be done
All the saints there gazing
At Him, brighter than the sun
Lamp trimmed and burning
Come, Jesus, come
The dead in Christ rise first
Then those alive come following
Death is swallowed up in victory
O death, where is your sting?
We meet Him in the clouds
We’ll recognize Him right away
And so we will be with the Lord
Forever from that day
All the saints there gazing
At Him, brighter than the sun
Lamp trimmed and burning
Come, Jesus, come
I mean we say we understand
But we haven’t got a clue
Caught up in an instant
To that sudden rendezvous
The dead in Christ rise first
Then we who are alive
Together in the clouds
We will all arrive
To meet Him in the air
We’ll recognize Him right away
So we shall be with the Lord
Forever from that day
All the saints there gazing
At Him, brighter than the sun
Lamp trimmed and burning
Come, Jesus
All the saints there gazing
At Him, brighter than the sun
Lamp trimmed and burning
Come, Jesus, come
Come, Jesus, come …
Lyrics: Dan Robins
Music: Sean O’Leary
Matthew 25:1-13
1 Corinthians 15:51-58
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18