There was a time not so long ago when just about every hip, cool and progressive Christian was wearing a WWJD bracelet to help remind them of what Jesus might do in a particular situation. Though its intent may have been good, it really only amounted to the equivalent of Jesus being the answer to every Sunday school question. Yes, Jesus is the answer to everything, but should we just be going along with this unchallenged, mind you, not in a doubting way. After all, isn’t it also important to know the reason(s) why?
So, rather than WWJD, perhaps WWJD&W should be the anagram of the actual question, what would Jesus do and why. By posing the question in this manner, it brings us to an understanding of why, instead of an acceptance of, and it involves a conscious decision and action, instead of a Sunday school answer. I think with a deeper questioning that it will eventually bring us to a better ability to respond in situations where we are morally and ethically challenged.
I am not saying that the WWJD movement in its day was not a good thing. It started something good but failed to possibly deliver on something greater. That greater thing being a better understanding of who Jesus is (and who we strive to be like). What the WWJD movement brought us to is very much akin to our parents saying do as I say because I say so, when it should have been do as I say and because I love you, here’s why. One is simply a restriction without reason whereas the other is more of an explanation as to why this would not be a good situation to put ourselves into.
What would Jesus do is ALWAYS a good question to ask, but as I have tried to show the better question is ultimately what would Jesus do and why. I think asking this, in the end, may even help prevent us from finding ourselves in the position where we have to ask the question in the first place.
I am visually impaired (legally blind). Creator of varied spice blends and hot sauces. Writer of poetry, fiction and non-fiction. Lover of life. Man of faith.