Download: https://incidentalmusic.ca/track/no-greater-love-4
I love you
More than words can tell
And I have died
For men going through hell
Going to hell
Greater love hath no man than this
That a man lay down his life for a friends
And you are My friend
For now and forever
I’m by your side
Through hellfire, and sorrow, and pain
And I hear your every cry
Overtures of hearts broken
Such is shame
But don’t be ashamed
Greater am I who is in you
Than he that is in this world
And lo, I am with you always
Even to the end of the world
Even to the end of the world
Even to the end of the world
The end of the world
I love you
And if only you loved Me true
We could share
In the joy, in the peace of My prayer
You’re My prayer
Greater love hath no man than this
That a man lay down his life for his friends
And you are My friend
For now and forever
Now and forever
Now and forever
Matthew Parker: piano, keyboards
Dan Robins: lead guitar
Linda Zane: vocal
John 15:13-14
1 John 4:4
Matthew 28:20