Download: https://incidentalmusic.ca/track/advocate
The prosecutor hurls accusations
Against which I haven’t a case
Laying out his investigations
Caught like a deer in the headlights
The odds are stacked against me
Too many voices from the past
Converge with pointing fingers
And smirking cockiness
Guilty as charged with no recourse
Indictments not to be denied
Stealth campaign to throw the book at me
Their boys in white parading out the files
Open-and-shut, a slam dunk
This kangaroo court will not adjourn
With hanging judge and jury
And executioner
I need an advocate
Since my self-defence
Has held me in contempt
Mea culpa, Advocate
Mea culpa, Advocate
Do you solemnly swear to tell the whole truth
And nothing but the truth?
Are you also keenly aware
That to do so torpedoes you?
We have the receipts, Milord
Which cannot be stricken from the record
And we’ve all heard all the tapes
All the witnesses concur, your Honour
Will the defendant please rise
Be advised, under oath you are detained
How do you plead? Insanity?
Objection! Objection sustained
The sworn testimonials
Exhibits A to Z compound
Every signed affidavit
All leave little margin for doubt
That I need an advocate
Since my self-defence
Has imploded: a controlled demolition
Mea culpa, Advocate
Mea culpa, Advocate
Show trial, struggle session
Soviet style compulsory confession
Show me the man
And I will show you the crime
Guilty till proven innocent
Guilty till proven innocent
Alone in my cell and dreading
Just what the outcome shall be
Languishing under judgment
Lacking all credibility
The nights, they are the cruellest
Plagued with sleeplessness
Every shameful cringy reminiscence
Slinking in the morass
Flashing across my fevered mind
Like a shooting gallery
A fishing expedition
In a sea of evil memory
My raiment is defiled
My garments all a-filth
My conscience lies condemned
Convicted of my guilt
I need an advocate
Since my self-defence
Has folded like a cheap tent
Mea culpa, Advocate
Mea culpa, Advocate
Has the jury reached a verdict?
If it pleases the court
Under cross-examination
The evidence speaks for itself
The pronouncement is unanimous
The penalty deservedly severe
Life imprisonment without parole
In confinement solitaire
My transgression is ever before me
Against You only have I sinned
You are proven right in your ruling
And justified in Your decision
But then a Man steps forward
Declaring He will take the rap
Silencing the avenger
Standing in the gap
My Advocate
(Case dismissed)
My Advocate
(Accuser foiled again)
My Advocate …
2025 seanosongs
Zechariah 3:1-5
Revelation 12:10
1 John 2:1-2
Luke 18:13
Psalm 51