Luke 10:38-42
John 12:1-8
Take it slow and wherever you go
Make some time to smell that rose
And do not worry
Take it slow
Though paradoxical
Be diligent and also
Do not be in a hurry
You’ll thank Me later
Unbusy Mary of Bethany
Seated at Jesus’ feet
Listening to His Word
Martha, dear
So stressed-out, so full of fear
Yet only one thing is needed
And she has chosen what is better
Sister’s chosen what is better
Take it slow and whatever you do
Do not be hasty
Stay unbusy
And thank Me later
Thank Me later
So she heard what He was going to do
Whilst the others did argue
Over who should be the greatest
Sit closer at His table
She scrimped and saved
Finally purchased that vase of precious fragrance
Then poured it on His feet
Poured it out on Jesus’ feet
Take it slow and wherever you go
Make the time to smell the rose
And thank Me later
Thank Me later
Say, what a waste
The poor could’ve used that years’ wage
We sure should’ve put it to greater purpose
Could’ve made it pay
Let her be for it was meant to be
That she should save this perfume
For My burial day
For My burial day
Take it slow and whatever you do
Do not be hasty
Stay unbusy
And thank Me later
Take it slow and wherever you go
Make the time to smell the roses
And thank Me later
Thank Me later
You’ll thank Me later.